
Republican Strategist Scott Jennings Reveals How Biden’s Scheme To Debate Trump Could Backfire And Finally Convince Democrats To Give Him The Boot

Daily Mail

(Daily Mail) Make my day, pal.’

In a surprise video release Wednesday morning, a swaggering Joe Biden – mustering his best ‘Dirty Harry’ impression – challenged his 2024 opponent to meet him with rhetorical guns drawn for two presidential debates.

Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020,’ Biden said. ‘Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again.’

Well, yes, Mr. President. That’s typically how American presidential elections work.

The two leading party candidates – and, perhaps, a third-party upstart – come together for public debates to earn the votes of the American people.

But curiously, for months, the Biden campaign has been trying to avoid such a showdown.

Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, one of the president’s closest confidants, said as recently as February that he found it, ‘hard to imagine,’ that a Biden-Trump debate would be, ‘productive.’

On Wednesday, fomer House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reiterated that she thinks a debate is a bad idea, quipping, ‘I myself would never recommend going on stage Donald Trump.’

So, why the sudden change of heart from the Biden side?

In a surprise video release Wednesday morning, a swaggering Joe Biden - mustering his best 'Dirty Harry' impression ¿ challenged his 2024 opponent to meet him with rhetorical guns drawn for two presidential debates.
In a surprise video release Wednesday morning, a swaggering Joe Biden – mustering his best ‘Dirty Harry’ impression – challenged his 2024 opponent to meet him with rhetorical guns drawn for two presidential debates.
' Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020,' Biden said. 'Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again.'
‘ Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020,’ Biden said. ‘Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again.’

The truth is that Democrats are in a full-blown panic – and a drowning man will clutch at straws.

And here’s where this gambit turns from desperate to downright pathetic.

The New York Times released new polling on Monday showing Trump leading in five of the six swing states that will decide the 2024 election. And despite Biden’s public pronouncements that be believes all the polls are wrong, his campaign obviously believes all the polls are right.

The Democratic Party is now willing to do anything to stop this election from slipping out of reach – and the coach has called a Hail Mary halfway through the first quarter.

To prepare the battlefield for Biden, his side has demanded a series of accommodations be met before Joe meets Donald to duel.

First, the debate must be held in a TV studio and not in front of a live studio audience.

That’s understandable.

Trump thrives in front of a crowd (the former president recently drew tens of thousands to a rally in New Jersey) while Biden is often confused and distracted by them.

Trump thrives in front of a crowd (the former president recently drew tens of thousands to a rally in New Jersey) while Biden is often confused and distracted by them.
Trump thrives in front of a crowd (the former president recently drew tens of thousands to a rally in New Jersey) while Biden is often confused and distracted by them.
The New York Times released new polling on Monday showing Trump leading in five of the six swing states that will decide the 2024 election.
The New York Times released new polling on Monday showing Trump leading in five of the six swing states that will decide the 2024 election.

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