
With Latest False Attack On Trump, It’s Obvious Democrats Set On Trying To Kill Him Again

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

(RedState) Have you ever seen a presidential election turn as dark as this one has, courtesy of Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party?

Yes, we’ve lived through the complicit media taking so-called “October surprises” – which are always aimed at Republicans – as proven fact and exploiting them grotesquely in order to get Democrats across the finish line. Remember the Steele Dossier?

In 2024, however, it looks like Democrats are taking things to such an unprecedented level that it’s not at all crazy to draw this conclusion: They need him dead.

This is the party of Hillary Clinton, after all.

It’s clear to even the most casual political observer that Kamala is a terrible candidate who is in way over her head. On any given day, many of us are left wondering if her campaign staff actually want her to lose, so bad is the advice she seems to be getting from them. She’s embarrassingly bad on the campaign trail, and there are murmurings that she regularly unloads on her team for not preparing her better. Unfortunately for Kamala, there’s no amount of preparation that will make her a better candidate. She’s just that bad.

Now, here we are, less than two weeks out from the election, and things have gotten so bad for Kamala Harris that there is an obvious effort afoot to take out Donald Trump by any means necessary. Since she couldn’t do it through talent or charisma, she’ll have to do it another way.

The two assassination attempts, so far, against Trump are proof that Democrats have been successfully telegraphing to their foot soldiers that the “orange man” isn’t just bad, he’s a “threat to democracy.” She’s been beating that drum for a while.

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