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Video: Bill Maher Goes On ‘The View,’ Tells Joy Behar She Loses ‘All Credibility’ After She Admits To Self-Censoring Criticism Of Biden


(mrcNewsBusters) The cast of ABC’s The View has made it clear for a while now that they’re in the tank for President Biden. But while they denounced even the Democrats who challenged him, co-host Joy Behar admitted to guest comedian Bill Maher on Tuesday that she self-censors her criticism of Biden because she was afraid she could help elect former President Trump by pointing out the truth.

Behar was in a bit of disbelief that Maher would dare to call out “the crazy stuff on the left” and admits she was afraid to do so:

Maher argued that if you don’t call it like you see it, “you lose all credibility.” “My bond with my audience has always been I don’t pull a punch. My bond with my audience is you’re not going to like everything I say but you know I’m saying what I really think is true,” he said.

He went on to lament that “Biden just presents as old. It’s not really fair.” Recalling a recent speech Biden gave, he described the President as “cadaver-like.” “But his brain is good. He’s still great,” Behar clownishly pushed back.

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