
AI: New AI Facial Search Engine Sparks Privacy Concerns

Reclaim The Net

(Reclaim The Net) and fellow machine learning (“AI”) company have announced the launch of a new facial recognition tool – specifically, a search engine based on facial recognition. brings general AI reverse image search to the table, while’s contribution is reverse image search for faces.

This consumer-facing search engine is currently demoed on’s site, and lauded by the company as “highly accurate and fast” – not to mention, “user friendly.”

That last point is meant to describe technical ease of use (drag-and-drop or upload images), whereas the “friendliness,” or lack thereof (or worse) of invasive biometrics of various types is always another matter, especially regarding privacy and security.

The search engine is supposed to provide access to images of one person found on multiple sites. One image of a person is used to find others that match it and are likely to identify the individual.

Who and why would need this? Reports note several scenarios – from helpful (people might want to “facial recognition search” themselves for a variety of reasons, including to find out if they are subjected to stalking or “unlawful” surveillance), to concerning (law enforcement, which has been known to use similar tools in multiple countries, including the UK and Australia).

As for the “stalking usecase,” that can range from unhinged individuals to unhinged governments prone to mass surveillance.

Meanwhile, says it is known for “remarkably accurate” reverse search, coupled with “distinct features.” The facial recognition segment is the latest addition to the tech previously used, i.e., pattern and location recognition.

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