(New York Post) Who hasn’t looked at their pet and wondered what they were thinking?
Lawyer turned animal communicator Nikki Vasconez says she can communicate with pets and claims your fur babies know when they’re nearing the end of their lives — because they can choose when to die.
“Animals choose the day they pass — the exact time, the exact way,” Vasconez explained in a video on Instagram.
“I talked to a cat, Smokey, who was still alive but not doing well and his humans wanted me to ask him if he was ready to pass, if he wanted assistance,” the Philadelphia-based pet psychic continued.
“He said ‘I am ready to leave my physical body now but I was not ready last week,’” she explained. “He said ‘there’s something important that I wanted to be a part of that happened last week.”
Full-time pet psychic Nikki Vasconez claims your pets know when they are going to die.TikTok/@nikkivasconez
She used a cat named Smokey as an example, saying the cat waited until its owners had celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary.TikTok/@nikkivasconez
She said Smokey’s owners later told her they had celebrated their 15th wedding the week before.
“A divinely orchestrated plan,” she captioned the video.
Vasconez told the Mirror she believes there are no coincidences, mistakes or accidents in people’s — or their pets’ — lives.