
Ex-FBI Agent Confirms Whistleblower Allegations Of Political Interference By DOJ In Hunter Biden Investigation

Joe Biden and his DOJ were doing there best to cover up the investigation


(Washington Examiner) A former FBI agent has confirmed key portions of testimony from two IRS whistleblowers, including that federal investigators were not allowed to interview Hunter Biden, according to the House Oversight Committee.

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee James Comer (R-KY) stated on Monday that an interview given by a former FBI supervisory special agent confirmed previous testimony that the FBI and Secret Service were tipped off about an interview with the younger Biden on the day before the interview was scheduled to occur.


According to the testimony, on the day of the interview, which was Dec. 8, 2020, IRS and FBI criminal investigators were instructed to stand down outside Biden’s house and not approach Biden until he called them.

“As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation,” Comer said in a statement. “The Justice Department’s efforts to cover up for the Bidens reveals a two-tiered system of justice that sickens the American people. The Oversight Committee, along with the Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.”

The former FBI agent testified that he had never been told to wait outside to be contacted by the subject of an investigation before the interview with Biden. But the agent also acknowledged that it is routine for FBI agents and Justice Department prosecutors to disagree about investigative steps and charging decisions, according to a source familiar with the transcribed interview.

The former agent additionally expressed that in determining whether to seek a warrant, it is proper for prosecutors to consider additional considerations beyond whether probable cause exists in executing certain search warrants involving political figures, attorneys, or raising election-year sensitivities, per Justice Department policy.

Two whistleblowers, IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley and an anonymous whistleblower referred to as “Whistleblower X,” have alleged that the Justice Department interfered in Biden’s criminal investigation by blocking David Weiss, the lead U.S. attorney on the case, from bringing charges in the jurisdiction of his choice and denying his request for special counsel status. But the Justice Department and Weiss have denied that Weiss was blocked, claiming he had complete authority in the investigation.

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