
Former CDC Scientist On mRNA Vaccines – They ‘Aren’t New’ And ‘Shouldn’t Be In The Body Of Humans At All’

Dr. Norman Pieniążek says mRNA vaccines are ‘gene therapy’

(The Exposé) A scientist who worked for the CDC in Atlanta outlines how the covid pandemic happened: a virus with a scary name, fraudulently used PCR tests, false predictive modelling, corrupted research and lying scientists.

“You may know that scientists will write nonsense for money. The media will hype any idiocy. So, we will repeat the covid path over and over,” Dr. Norman Pieniążek said.


mRNA vaccines are not new, he explained.  Research began on using genetic engineering in vaccines in the 1970s.  And in the 1980s the mRNA technique was explored.  “Starting in the Summer of 2020, snake-oil pushers immediately started saying it was the same technology used in polio and smallpox vaccines, that it works great, so why not for covid?”  He warned that mRNA injections are gene therapies that shouldn’t be in the human body at all.

In January, the Polish magazine Do Rzeczy interviewed Norman Pieniążek, PhD.  The original interview is in Polish but The Dossier has published an English translation.  Read the full interview HERE.

Dr. Pieniążek is a specialist in the field of molecular biology with particular emphasis on diagnostic PCR tests of all kinds, virology, and epidemiology, as well as related aspects of public health, such as masks, surface decontamination, and others. He also has knowledge in the field of immunology and vaccines. He worked at the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) in Atlanta as head of a laboratory of reference molecular diagnostics for 24 years until he retired in 2013.

During the last hundred years, there have been many projects to create biological weapons but they have all failed, Dr. Pieniążek said.  So, what was the covid pandemic?  Dr. Pieniążek explained by describing what he called the “pillars” that propped up the “pandemic.”

The first pillar is the name of the virus SARS-CoV-2.  It is a name designed to cause panic.  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (“SARS”) is a disease with high mortality.  If it were that deadly, all the people on the Diamond Princess, for example, would have died, Dr. Pieniążek said.

The Diamond Princess is a British-registered luxury cruise ship. On 20 January the cruise ship set sail after which cases of covid-19 were detected on board. From 1 February, the vessel was quarantined off Japan for two weeks.  By 1 March all passengers and crew members had disembarked from the ship. Out of the 3,711 people on board, it was reported that 9 passengers died from the virus, all of them older passengers.

The second pillar is the PCR tests.  “Testing viruses on a nasal swab tells us more about how polluted the air we breathe is than about the aetiology (cause) of the infection,” Dr. Pieniążek said.

The third pillar is the predictive models developed by Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London. “Neil Ferguson goes with these terrible death charts to the then British Prime Minister – Mr. Boris Johnson. Boris kicks him out of his office, so our ‘modeller’ goes straight to the BBC and says in a dramatic interview that the Prime Minister has just decided to murder millions of Britons. The media catches such a sensation, raises the heat, and the prime minister gives up. Media, not science,” he said.

The fourth pillar is research.  Dr. Pieniążek feels we should reject all science papers published after March 2020. “This is not my thesis,” he said, “but Prof. Roman Zieliński’s. He believes that all this ‘research’ is neo-Lysenkoism. They are so fake.”

The fifth pillar is vaccines.  Dr. Pieniążek said that work began on vaccines using genetic engineering in the 1970s.  “Using genetic engineering, scientists could make viral proteins (antigens) in the lab in bacterial or other cultures. Such vaccines have been around for a long time; they’re called subunit vaccines.”  The current mRNA vaccines are not new.  In the 1980s researchers explored this mRNA technique, he said.  Adding:


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