
The Early Riser’s Dilemma: Is Waking Up Early Worth It And Does The Early Bird Really Get The Worm?

(AsiaOne) Some say the early bird catches the worm, while some studies suggest that night owls have better cognitive function (intelligence, reasoning, and memory) compared to early risers.

Personally, I’m not a huge fan of rising early. You’d think that after waking up early all my life — first as a student and then as a mum — I’d be used to it by now. But nope, I firmly belong to the sleep-in brigade. Are you an “Early to bed, early to rise” sort, or a “Stay up late and sleep in” night owl?

If you’re not an early bird, check out these pros and cons of getting up early that you may not know about:

Pros: The bright side of early mornings

PHOTO: Unsplash

It’s peaceful

I admit it — getting up before anyone else in the house (I’m usually up by 6am to make school lunches) gives you a chance to enjoy some peace and quiet.

Most days, I’m racing from one task to another, so those early hours allow for much-needed, unhurried time for yourself.

And if you time it right, you could even catch a beautiful dawn. Resist the temptation to hit snooze; trust me, you’ll thank yourself 10 minutes later for getting out of bed when you did.

Less traffic to deal with

Whether you’re driving to work or catching a taxi or public transport, the earlier you get going, the better traffic. This means you’ll likely waste less time and energy on your commute.

Get your workout done early

I’ve always admired those who rise at 4am just to work out. If only I had that level of discipline! But it’s true — if you know you won’t have any other time in the day for a workout, getting it done first thing is the way to go.

More time to get things done

Ever wish you had more hours in the day? By getting up an hour or two earlier, you can tackle tasks you’ve been putting off (and avoid wasting your weekend on them). I definitely feel more in control of my life — at least for those couple of hours anyway — when I start chipping away at my to-do list or finally get around to that dreaded paperwork. Win-win!

Cons: The not-so-great side

PHOTO: Pexels

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