
FYI: Want To Live Longer? These Are The Top 10 States To Develop ‘Blue Zones’

(NowPatient) There are many ways in which we can maintain our health and live long, happy lives. Regular exercise and sleeping well are excellent ways of preventing illness. Even when we get sick, returning to full health has never been easier, with medication accessible through a pharmacy online. However, where you live can have an impact on your life expectancy.

Blue Zones are areas with some of the world’s oldest people. These areas have lower rates of chronic disease and much higher life expectancies. There are currently five Blue Zones in the world, situated in Italy, Greece, Japan, Costa Rica, and the United States.


These five areas share common lifestyle features, such as diet, exercise, and sleep. In Dan Buettner’s book, The Blue Zones, he explains that there may be more Blue Zones that haven’t been identified yet.

As one Blue Zone is already in the United States, there’s no reason why another won’t pop up in the future. That’s why we wanted to know which states are most likely to be home to the next Blue Zone. We’ve looked at mental health, diet, exercise, religion, meat-free diets, sleep, and life expectancy to reveal the states most likely to have a Blue Zone.


California is the state with the most potential to have a Blue Zone, with a score of 7.03/10

We’ve looked at sleep, stress, activity, population density, religiosity, and meat-free diets in each state to reveal the states that have the most potential to become a blue zone.

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