(Not The Bee) Elon had himself a night on Twitter. In one of the highlights, the real-life Tony Stark promised to foot the bill with “no limit” for anyone who has been “unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something” on Twitter.
Here’s the tweet:

Bold move by Elon here. And might I say, a brilliant chess move. (Elon haters who have been triggered may go ahead and move along now before I explain why.)
Elon probably does not really want to shell out tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to fight legal cases to protect free speech on Twitter. Though I’m sure he would. But he probably won’t have to.
What this move will accomplish is a drastic reduction in employees being punished or fired for tweets or likes … lest their employers think they would enjoy a legal battle against the richest man in the world who is worth $233 billion.