The majority of Americans believe that greater social acceptance of transgender people is good for society, but they overwhelmingly reject transgender women being permitted to compete in sports against biological women, according to a new poll.
A Washington Post-University of Maryland survey released Tuesday asked a random national sample of adults whether they think “transgender women and girls should or should not be allowed to compete in sports with other women and girls at each of the following levels.”
The majority – 58% – said it should not be allowed in college or professional sports, compared to 28% who said it should. Fifty-five percent of respondents said it shouldn’t be allowed in high school sports, compared to 30%, and 49% said it shouldn’t be allowed in youth sports, compared to 33%.

A whopping 68% of respondents said that if transgender girls are allowed to compete against biological girls in youth sports, “transgender girls would have a competitive advantage over other girls.”
Two percent said biological girls would hold the advantage, while 30% said neither would.
Respondents were also asked whether they were concerned that not allowing transgender girls to compete with other girls in youth sports would negatively impact the “mental health of transgender girls.” Fifty-two percent said they were “very” or “somewhat” concerned, while 48% said they were “not too” or “not at all” concerned.