
Video: Virginia College Women’s Swim Team Demands NCAA Address Trans Athlete Problem, Say They Should Be Competing Based On ‘Biological Sex’

Biological males have a built-in advantage when competing against females

iley Gaines and Female swimmers from Roanoke College are demanding the NCAA to address trans athletes in sports. (WSET)

(WSET) Female swimmers from Roanoke College are demanding the NCAA to address trans athletes in sports.

This year a transgender athlete requested permission to swim with the women’s swim team. Now they are protesting that move, asking for the NCAA and for national and state governments to address transgender athlete participation. They said this is about protecting the future of women’s sports.


Bailey Gallagher, a member of the Roanoke College swim team said, “It is my wish for women to have fair competition tether voice is heard, and to be protected.”

They said they want their voices heard. They believe the NCAA is prioritizing transgender athletes.

“Many tears and the will to train to race a swimmer who has an advantage in the water that our bodies may never possess,” Lily Mullens a member of the Roanoke College swim team said.

This year a transgender athlete received permission to swim with the women’s team, after swimming with the men’s team two years ago. The lady maroons were joined by former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines.

She gained national attention when she tied for 5th place with transgender athlete Lia Thomas who ultimately got the award, since then she has been speaking out against transgender athletes competing in women’s sports.

“It shouldn’t have to take bravery and fair treatment to speak up for the fair treatment of women and girls, and if leaders cannot find it within themselves to do that then we need different leaders,” said Riley Gaines.

Not everyone at today’s event agreed. Danny Clawson said they feel bad that the women felt nervous, but believes this athlete should’ve been allowed to compete.

“I just really wish that anxiety and that experience would have given them more empathy for the hundreds of trans people in our area that experience that every day.” Danny Clawson said.


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