
CNN Desperate For Ratings, Goes After ‘Racist’ Asian-Themed Fonts And Is Mocked In Process

Credit: REUTERS/Caren Firouz


An in-depth CNN report about the allegedly racist roots of Asia-inspired fonts has left many wondering whether the outlet has simply run out of things to be outraged about.

According to a feature published in CNN’s style section, fonts designed to communicate “Asianness” that appear on restaurant menus, food packaging and other items are offensive and perpetuate “crude” stereotypes.

CNN revealed this category of so-called “chop suey” scripts has a dark and exploitive history that can be traced back to American propaganda posters and campaigns to stoke xenophobia. There is even some background information about the Nazis and their views on typography, just to illustrate how fonts really can be racist.

“It’s hard not to cringe at the Chinese stereotypes bundled up with each font package – especially when seen through the lens of today’s heightened vigilance toward discrimination and systemic racism,” the author of the expose, Anne Quito, noted. Citing “critics,” she explained that anyone using such fonts is probably engaging in racism, especially if they are not Asian.

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