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Guilty? White House Refuses to Confirm or Deny If Biden Will Use Performance-Enhancing Drugs In Presidential Debate

Gateway Pundit

(Gateway Pundit) The White House has refused to confirm or deny whether or not Joe Biden plans to use drugs to enhance his debate performance.

Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly called for Biden to be drug tested before each debate, claiming that he was “high” during the State of the Union.

“I am going to demand a drug test, I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union,” Trump said during a speech in Minnesota on Friday. “He was high as a kite. I said, ‘Is that Joe up there, that beautiful room? And by the end of the evening, he’s like” — Trump made a guttural sound — “He was exhausted, right? No, we’re going to demand a drug test.”

“He can’t talk, he can’t walk, can’t find his way off a stage. Can’t put two sentences together,” Trump continued. “Although he has agreed to debate, so I don’t know, maybe they know something. He’s going to be so jacked up for those debates, you watch.”

Politico reports:

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