In the wake of the Pentagon seeking to make the COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for military service members, lawyers in law offices across the country say they have experienced a surge in calls from service members looking for options if they don’t want to get vaccinated.
CNN spoke with five law firms that focus on military law about the surge in calls, including the law office of Joseph Jordan in Killeen, Texas.
“It’s been the number one issue for our law firm for the last few days,” Jordan told CNN. “I’m getting emails, I’m getting messages on my Facebook, we’re getting phone calls. It’s been absolutely nuts. Three or four calls an hour.”
“The questions aren’t coming from the young enlisted. They’re coming from the seniors, they’re coming from the midlevel ranks,” Jordan said. “I talked to a guy with 31 years in the service, and he asked, ‘Do I need to retire now?'”