
LGBTQ Goal Of Erasing Women Now Being Pushed By Johns Hopkins University With New Woke Language Guide That Refers To Them As ‘Non-Men’


(NewsTarget) The left places such little value on women these days that it refuses to even call them women, but is rather now referring to them as “non-men.”

The formerly prestigious Johns Hopkins University of Maryland recently issued a new “inclusive language guide” for the modern era that does away with the concept of women entirely. In the guide’s “lesbian” section, women are now strictly referred to as “non-men,” even though men are still called men in the “gay” section.


The LGBTQ+ glossary is filled with all sorts of new terms and phrases that cater strictly to the transgender crowd, which we know from the women’s sports debacles of recent years also hates women.

From now on, Johns Hopkins wants people to refer to a lesbian woman as “a non-man attracted to non-men. This new definition was approved by Paula Neira, a self-proclaimed transgender and the Program Director of LGBTQ+ Equity and Education at Johns Hopkins.

LGBT is all about erasing women by perverting both sexes

The change in verbiage from “women” to “non-men” in the John Hopkins “inclusive language guide” follows a trend among the “woke” crowd, which has already been calling women derogatory names like “birthing people” and “menstruators,” as if those bodily functions somehow define what it means to be a woman.

Feminists everywhere are incensed by this erasure of women, which only continues to worsen with each passing day. At this rate, the word woman will soon no longer even be taught in schools as children are instead told to call their mothers and sisters “non-men.”

While some left-wing institutions have agreed to a compromise by calling them “women and birthing people” in their own language guides, Johns Hopkins, based in Baltimore, refuses to budge. Meanwhile, other organizations even more woke than Johns Hopkins are resorting to using terms like “pregnant people” and even “uterus-havers.”

Neira, a former United States Navy nurse, just so happens to be one of the nation’s leading experts on transgender military service. “She” was instrumental in the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, which largely kept sexual politics out of the armed forces.

Neira is not at the top of the food chain, though. Above “her” sits Sherita Hill Golden, the department’s Chief Diversity Officer. Golden, who is black, helped implement Johns Hopkins’ “Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards,” which prohibit patient discrimination toward employees and trainees.

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