The “Arctic is screaming,” a U.S. government warming-alarmist scientist famously stated in 2010. It turns out this may be true, but what it’s saying is, “I’m freezing!”
In fact, in yet another refutation of the man-caused global-warming (AGW) narrative — and contrary to alarmist predictions — Arctic ice is poised to be its thickest in a generation.
It was in 1975 that Newsweek, reflecting contemporary reportage, ran the story “The Cooling World.” As a young child at the time, I remember the coming-ice-age warnings and, frankly, they were scary. Sure, I loved sledding and snowball fights, but the prospect of living on Snowball Earth wasn’t too appealing.
But sometime later the climate diviners transitioned to doomsayer predictions about global warming. As Electroverse wrote in May: