
Unfathomable!! Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Giving Another $100M To Hamas Terrorists In Their Fight Against Israel

(Gatestone Institute)

  • Nothing better illustrates the perversity of the Biden administration’s attitude to the Gaza conflict that, at the same time that Washington is limiting arms exports to Israel, the US is increasing its aid to the Palestinian Authority.
  • One of the key lessons that the US should have learned from Hamas’s deadly terrorist attack against Israel on October 7… is that aid donations made by foreign donors invariably end up being used to fund Palestinian terrorists.
  • With awkward timing, the Biden administration announced its latest $100 million aid package for the Palestinians just as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was preparing to leave for his visit to Washington this week.
  • While aid officials blame Israel and the continuing war in Gaza for preventing the delivery of vital supplies from reaching Palestinian civilians, the real culprit is Hamas, which controls all the delivery networks. This means that much of the aid is diverted to those who support its terrorist operations.
  • Biden may have announced his intention to not seek re-election, but so long as his administration remains in power, there appears little prospect of any dramatic revision taking place to its deliberately icy — and potentially dangerous — attitude not only towards Israel’s offensive against Hamas in Gaza, but also its turning a blind eye toward Iran’s destabilizing nuclear weapons, possibly coming soon, with the missiles to deliver them to the Middle East, Europe, and — from Latin America and the Caribbean — to the United States.

Aid donations made by foreign donors to the Palestinian Authority and Gaza invariably end up being used to fund Palestinian terrorists. Despite the mounting evidence that US aid supplies for the Palestinians, together with donations made by other Western nations, are failing to be used for their designated humanitarian purposes, the Biden administration appears determined to maintain its aid policy. (Image source: iStock/Getty Images)

Nothing better illustrates the perversity of the Biden administration’s attitude to the Gaza conflict that, at the same time that Washington is limiting arms exports to Israel, the US is increasing its aid to the Palestinian Authority.
One of the key lessons that the US should have learned from Hamas’s deadly terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, in which 1,200 Israelis were murdered and more than 250 taken captive and held as hostages in Gaza, is that aid donations made by foreign donors invariably end up being used to fund Palestinian terrorists.

Prior to October 7, key supporters of Hamas, such as Iran and Qatar, sent hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza, and claimed it was to be used for humanitarian purposes such as funding schools and hospitals.

Instead, it was used to build the formidable underground tunnel network Hamas constructed in Gaza that ultimately enabled it to carry out the worst terrorist attack Israel has suffered in its history.

Even though US President Joe Biden has finally decided to step aside from the presidential election contest in favour of Vice President Kamala Harris, his administration continues to sustain its policy of giving handouts to Palestinian groups in Gaza and the West Bank without having any guarantees that the funds will be used for humanitarian purposes, and not to fund terror.

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