
Sheer Ignorance: New Yorkers Complained About Former Mayor De Blasio’s Vaccine Mandates And Restrictions; Now Looks They Voted Again For The Same

New mayor Eric Adams is already being called De Blasio 2.0 after he extended the former mayor’s COVID orders. The rest of the country can’t stop laughing.



New York City residents hopeful that new Mayor Eric Adams would usher in an era free from his predecessor Bill de Blasio were disappointed as the new leader announced day-one executive orders furthering the former mayor’s restrictive coronavirus policies.

Adams released two signed orders on Saturday that will continue state of emergency regulations put in place under the previous administration – including mandating vaccination for private-sector employees – and extend proof of vaccination requirements.

Critics lashed out on Twitter, dubbing the new mayor “de Blasio 2.0” while airing their disappointment in the apparent lack of change and his building on an unpopular legacy

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