
Woke NYC Politician Wants No Jail Time For Criminals, Says Their Victims Need To ‘Help Them’

Think she’d help a criminal after repeatedly being a ‘victim?’

Tiffany Caban - Credit: Twitter


What better way to curtail the tsunami of crime in New York City than to make victims of violent crime “help” those who assaulted them?

The woke brigade just took things to another level of cray-cray. NYC Democratic socialist city council wannabe candidate Tiffany Caban believes prison isn’t the place for violent criminals. She wants to replace prisons with programs where victims of violent crime help their attackers, and domestic violence victims are paid not to prosecute their violent partners.

Caban has what she refers to as a “new vision of public safety for New York City,” which is in her 48-page plan, where she calls for “restorative justice.” Meaning no one goes to jail, and the victims deal with whoever assaulted them to work things out.

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