
Biden’s Crazy ‘Off-Limits’ Target List For Russia Criticized For Giving ‘Green Light’ To Target Everything Else

The old saying ‘think before you speak’ doesn’t seem to apply to Biden these days



President Biden’s list of 16 key infrastructure entities that are “off-limits” to Russian cyberattacks has effectively given the Russians a green light to target everything not on that list without facing serious repercussions, national security experts and senior Republicans tell Fox News.

Russian cybercriminals are believed to be behind a pair of recent cyberattacks targeting the Colonial Pipeline and meat-processing company JBS Holdings. Both companies paid multi-million dollar ransoms to regain access to their systems.

Biden told reporters Wednesday he gave President Vladimir Putin a list of 16 critical infrastructure entities that are “off limits” to a Russian cyberattack: “I talked about the proposition that certain critical infrastructure should be off limits to attack — period — by cyber or any other means. I gave them a list, if I’m not mistaken — I don’t have it in front of me — 16 specific entities; 16 defined as critical infrastructure under U.S. policy, from the energy sector to our water systems.”

Biden’s “off-limits” list has led experts and members of Congress to question whether everything not on the list is therefore fair game for attacks.

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