
Joe Biden’s Extreme Coughing Fits Has Speculation Running Rampant

Credit: End Of The American Dream


In recent days, Joe Biden has developed a very persistent cough. It has gotten so bad that he coughed all the way through a couple of major speeches this week, and some news outlets were using the word “feverish” to describe his appearance. In normal times, extreme coughing fits by someone in his position would often get overlooked, but these are not normal times. We are in the middle of the COVID pandemic, and we all know that COVID specifically targets the respiratory system. Could it be possible that Biden has caught COVID or some other virus? At this point, we have no way of knowing.

Any health issue is a potential concern, because Joe Biden is 78 years old.  Everyone can see that he has been in a state of physical and mental decline for quite a while now, and that means that Biden’s health is highly vulnerable.  A minor illness could become a major illness very quickly, and we all know that Biden has a long history of serious health issues.

So let us pray that Biden will recover from whatever he is dealing with right now.  Because if Biden could not continue in his current position, Kamala Harris would take his place.

Speculation about Biden’s health began to swirl after he “hacked and spluttered his way through a speech” in California on Monday

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