
No Surprise: Biden Administration Lashes Out Against Bill Preventing Illegal Immigrants From Voting In Elections – Why Else Have Open Borders?

The SAFE Act would prevent anyone from casting a ballot in federal elections without proof of citizenship

The Post Millennial

(PM.) On Monday, the Biden administration announced that it was “strongly opposed” to a bill proposed by the House GOP that would strictly enforce existing laws prohibiting illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections. The president’s office suggested the bill was unnecessary, claiming it would instead make it harder for Americans to vote.

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act would, if passed, prevent anyone from casting a ballot in federal elections without proof of citizenship. It would also mandate that all states ensure there are no non-citizens on their voter rolls and punish election officials who register non-citizens with up to five years in prison.

“The Administration strongly opposes HR 8281,” the office wrote in a statement. “It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in Federal elections–it is a Federal crime punishable by prison and fines. The alleged justification for this bill is based on easily disproven falsehoods. Additionally, making a false claim of citizenship or unlawfully voting in an election is punishable by removal from the United States and a permanent bar to admission.”

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