
Video: CNN’s Leftist Host Jake Tapper Pushes The Race Card In Question For Rep. Jasmine Crockett About Her Argument With MTG Over Her Fake Eyelashes

“So yeah I absolutely think she only did it to be racist towards me.”

The Post Millennial

(PM.) On Sunday, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) claimed that Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) using her fake eyelashes to insult her during a House Oversight Committee hearing to hold Merrick Garland in contempt was “racist.”

In an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, host Jake Tapper, who will be moderating the first presidential debate in June, asked Crockett if Greene going after her eyelashes was “racist.”

“I think that her specifically doing it to me, yes that was the intent,” Crockett said.

“MAGA has historically been on social media doing the things, where they say ‘oh she’s black with lashes and nails and hair, so she’s ghetto,'” Crockett claimed. “So to me, this was her playing into that rhetoric and trying to amplify for the MAGA crowd. So yeah I absolutely think she only did it to be racist towards me.”

After Tapper tried to clarify if using lashes as an insult was a racial trope, Crockett said, “It is buying into a racist trope.” She then admitted, “But the reality is that women of all colors wear lashes.”

On Thursday, during a late night session in the House, Crockett, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and Greene each hurled insults towards each other in a House Oversight Committee session. Greene told Crockett that her “fake eyelashes” were preventing her from reading. The purpose of the late nigh session was to determine if Biden’s AG Merrick Garland should be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena.

Over the past few years, both Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, both Trump advisors, were convicted on contempt of Congress charges for refusing to comply with congressional subpoenas.

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