
Think Joe Biden Is Bad? This Dynamic Duo Would Be Following You Around To Make Sure You Used The Restroom Properly

Government’s Big Brother syndrome would be taken to a whole new level, privacy be damned

(Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images) (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images) (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)

(Daily Caller) As if not being able to finish a sentence wasn’t enough, corruption allegations have turned Joe Biden into an even bigger liability for the DNC. The likeliest move will be to let him off easy in return for stepping out of the way. Thus, the Democrats will need a new pair of candidates to replace the Biden-Harris train wreck as worthy successors to Merrick Garland’s nascent police state.

Enter Gavin “Gov. Hair Gel” Newsom and “Stretchin’” Gretchen Whitmer. For a party that seeks to turn America into an oligarchic state that runs our lives for our “betterment,” there are no better choices than these two card-carrying enforcers of the “common good.” Although neither has announced and Whitmer has denied rumors, their actions suggest that they intend to enter the race in some capacity.

This duo will be our worst nightmare if they get anywhere near Washington. Both are especially odious, even among competitors such as J.B. Pritzker and Chuck Schumer. Unlike the latter two, Whitmer and Newsom are competent agents of destruction, having mastered the arts of virtue signaling, divide-and-conquer and tactics straight out of the Soviet Eastern Bloc – and they’ve made themselves sound convincing while doing it. Also, Whitmer is attractive and Newsom isn’t a morbidly-obese walking meme who gives health advice.

Gretchen Whitmer’s resume includes the COVID lockdowns, letting the CCP into Michigan, and the fake kidnapping plot. But she went much further even for a Democrat, banning the sale of “non-essential” items like American flags and most tellingly, seeds. Her latest endeavors involve two totalitarian favorites – gun control and hate speech laws — one in which the crime’s severity is based on the feelings of the “offended” person. Pair that with a penchant towards seizing the food supply and we have a nice little warning of what’s to come.

Then there’s Gavin Newsom, a through-and-through elitist with nothing but contempt for his constituents. Famous for circumventing every lockdown rule in the book, from the French Laundry dinner to exempting his own Napa Valley vineyard from shutdowns, the guy doesn’t even pretend to care. When he “apologized,” he couldn’t stop smiling and holding back laughter.


He also coincidentally won his recall referendum by the exact same percentage down to the decimal as his 2018 race.

But this behavior pales in comparison to his seeming desire to turn America into communist Romania, where rolling blackouts were commonplace. Dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu was known for using them as a political weapon, turning off the power at night throughout the capital of Bucharest – except in his palace and government buildings. According to our Romanian tour guide who lived through it, it was all about control – reminding the plebs that they lived at the mercy of the state. Sound familiar?

And worst of all, there is the genital-cutting sanctuary law, which allows California to seize children from out-of-state parents if the child considers himself trans. Newsom has made cutting off kids’ genitals a human right.

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