
FYI: Why The Artificial Intelligence Hype Isn’t Living Up To Expectations

Artificial intelligence hype may not be living up to expectations - GETTY

(Forbes) When ChatGPT launched in 2022, it took the world by storm. Headlines heralded the dawn of a new era, where artificial intelligence (AI) would revolutionize every aspect of business and life, fueling the AI hype.

Fast forward almost two years and we must ask—has AI lived up to expectations?

According to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau, there are some indications that AI may not be the game-changer it was promised to be. Let’s explore five key takeaways from the report and what leaders like you can do to be more strategic about AI adoption.

Limited Adoption Across Sectors Due to Inflated Expectations

You might assume, given the fervor around AI, that industries across the board are rapidly integrating these technologies. Despite the excitement surrounding AI technologies, actual use remains surprisingly low. By February 2024, only 5.4% of firms were utilizing AI. Even with optimistic projections, this number is only expected to reach 6.6% by Fall 2024. This limited adoption suggests that AI’s overall impact is still confined to a narrow slice of the business world.

What You Can Do:

Before jumping on the AI bandwagon, critically assess whether AI is genuinely applicable to your business. You don’t need to adopt AI just because it’s the latest trend or because Silicon Valley’s latest dazzling technology is making headlines. Ask yourself, “Is this something that will provide a real benefit, or am I being swept up by the hype?” Evaluate its potential ROI carefully and consider piloting small AI projects before fully integrating them into your operations.

Inapplicability of Generative AI

Interestingly, over 80% of non-adopters cited that AI is not applicable to their business. This statistic reveals a significant gap between the perceived capabilities of AI and its actual utility. Despite the generative AI revolution, is it possible that AI, with all its potential, simply doesn’t fit into many business models?

What You Can Do:

Ask yourself whether AI addresses a specific problem your business faces. Instead of succumbing to inflated expectations, focus on identifying clear, tangible benefits AI can deliver in your context. This involves conducting a thorough needs analysis and consulting with AI experts to pinpoint where AI can make a difference.

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