
Twitter Rolls Out New Feature That Is Akin To Instagram’s ‘Close Friends’

Opening a Circle lets you post exclusive stuff for people you trust to read

Android Police


Sometimes, we have thoughts that we want to put out somewhere, but don’t want everyone reading.

That’s exactly the concept that drives Instagram’s Close Friends feature, launched in 2018. If you want to upload a story, but you just want a small group of closer acquaintances to see it, it allows you to do exactly that — they’re identical to normal stories, except highlighted in green. Twitter has been working on an almost-identical feature, but for your tweets, called Circle. Now, after an initial test, that feature seems to have started to roll out widely to users.


When logging into Twitter, whether entering from a browser or from your smartphone, some users have begun seeing a pop-up to tweet to your Circle. Entering the “Compose tweet” panel and tapping on the audience button above (which is set to “Everyone” by default but also lets you tweet to Communities if you’re in any) will show you a new “Twitter Circle” option. You can add, and remove, people from your Circle by tapping the “Edit” button — people won’t be notified if they’re added or removed from someone’s Circle. Likewise, if you see a tweet posted to someone’s Circle, you’ll also see a green notice telling you that only people in their circle can see that post.




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