
Four Signs It’s Time To Change Your Hairstyle

There’s nothing that can update your appearance faster than a new hairstyle or hair cut, but how do you know when it’s time to try a new look?  If you glance back through your high school year book and realize you haven’t changed a bit, at least from a hair perspective since 1982, it may be time for an update. Most people don’t like change and it can be difficult to alter something that’s worked for you for so many years, but a new hairstyle can give you a fresh new perspective, not to mention a healthy boost to your self confidence. What are some indicators that it’s time to change your hairstyle?

When to change your hairstyle: You’ve recently lost weight.

If you’ve succeeded in losing that extra thirty pounds you’ve been carrying around for the past ten years, it may be time for a total fashion update. You want to show the world the “new you” and what better way to do it than with a stylish new haircut to match your new, taut body? If you’ve lost that much weight, not only do you want an updated look, but there’s a good chance the hairstyle you had when you were thirty pounds heavier is no longer your best style. This is a great time to get a hair consultation to come up with some new and exciting possibilities.

When to change your hairstyle: You have a new career or job.

If you’re entering a new career, you want a look that’s stylish and professional. What better way to make a fresh start than by updating your hairstyle? If you want to be treated like the career woman you are, resist the temptation to wear the hairstyle that won you so many compliments at your high school prom. Chances are no one will be impressed with your sense of style or your professionalism.

When to change your hairstyle: Your hair is thinning.

As age sets in, some women notice that their hair becomes thinner due to declining levels of estrogen. As your hair thins out, it may lack texture and body. To revitalize it, look into getting a shorter, layered style that’ll add additional volume and body. A short bob with bangs can also be a good option, depending on your face shape.

When to change your hairstyle: People think you’re older than you are.

An outdated, tired hairstyle can add years to your face. If people assume you’re older than you actually are, it’s time to re-evaluate your hairstyle as well as your hair color. Going a shade lighter in color and adding a few layers to your hair can take as much as ten years off your look.

Another way to decide whether it’s time to change your hair is to look at some recent photos or family videos. Is your hairstyle flattering? It’s far easier to be objective when you see yourself in photos rather than standing in front of the mirror. Of course, you can also get the opinion of family members or close friends you trust to be honest with you.

Keep in mind when you change your hairstyle, it’s never permanent. The good news is hair grows around a half inch per month, so a not so perfect hairstyle won’t be around forever. So why not take a chance and try something new?

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