(Not The Bee) Even for a man known for his singularly inflated and overactive ego, this is pretty ice cold:
Colin Kaepernick accuses his White adoptive parents of ‘problematic’ upbringing, perpetuating racism https://t.co/DarHz74uOT
— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 9, 2023
After being abandoned by his black parents, Kaepernick has lived a PRIVILEGED life! Now he’s accusing his white adoptive mother of “perpetuating racism.”
This man is the DEFINITION OF RACIST! pic.twitter.com/6wjvoo5s5c
— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) March 10, 2023
Just for reference, Kaep’s father abandoned him before he was born. His mother subsequently gave him up for adoption. The deck was stacked against him from the start.
And yet his adoptive parents raised him as their own, apparently well enough that he rose to one of the most elite stations in modern U.S. society — a professional sports team — and is now worth $20 million.
So what could his parents have possibly done to merit their being publicly lambasted by their son to whom they apparently gave a stellar and loving upbringing?
Um. That’s it?

Responses on social media, meanwhile, were less than kind:
Kaepernick was abandoned by his black father but reserves all of his animosity for the white couple who took him in and raised him. This guy is utter scum. https://t.co/YXSoPd0jNp
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 10, 2023
Wow. And I thought anti-American Somali refugee @IlhanMN was ungrateful. Colin Kaepernick (@Kaepernick7) just accused his white adoptive parents of “perpetuating racism” because they objected to his afro. Hey #7, my black biological parents objected to mine. Do I have a lawsuit? pic.twitter.com/zh1TWjIug5
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) March 10, 2023