
Pure Hate: Left-Wing Rag Salon Says ‘MAGA Republicans’ And ‘Christian Nationalists’ Are Bigger Threat To America Than Hamas

Salon attacks Christians in a poor effort to promote itself

Rebecca Downs/X

(Townhall) Salon may be a far-left publication, but the commentary they were willing to publish was considered too much even for them, in the form of a piece from Brian Karem, whose byline describes him as the former senior White House correspondent for Playboy. While the headline now reads “Far-right MAGA theocrats: Most dangerous threat to America,” the original dared to compare Hamas to congressional Republicans.

Archived versions, as well as screenshots and even the piece’s own URL, indicate that the original headline read “MAGA and Christian nationalism: Bigger threat to America than Hamas could ever be.” Both versions of the article show a featured image of the the speaker surrounded by many fellow Republicans.


The October 7 terrorist attack that Hamas unleashed against Israel resulted in 1,400 Israelis killed, most of them civilians. It was the bloodiest day in Israel’s history, with the most Jews killed since the Holocaust. Hamas targeted men, women, children, and the elderly. Not even babies and Holocaust victims were spared gruesome deaths, the details which still continue to come out. Hamas also targeted people for kidnapping, rape, and torture. Americans have been included in the death toll and those held hostage.

Despite the use of the terrorist organization in the headline, Hamas is only mentioned a handful of times. Rather, it’s to promote his own role at White House press briefings, which is to shout out questions despite not being called on:

Here’s where some sort of connection does come in:

The commentary itself lacks significant focus, though there is indeed typical far-left fodder against Republicans. Johnson isn’t mentioned until 12 paragraphs in, though. Johnson is the named subject, but it’s Christians in general who Karem goes after. It’s a lot we’ve heard before, only with a more extreme headline:

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