(Not The Bee) Huh.
The media said climate change, not arson, was behind the fires in Greece. They lied. They have egg on their face now that 160 people have been arrested for arson. pic.twitter.com/XvCC4nwWbi
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) August 27, 2023
Here were just a few of the many headlines I kept seeing these past few weeks:

The planet is literally burning, fam!
Oh wait…
160 people arrested on arson charges for Greek wildfires that the media previously said climate change was to blame https://t.co/vgzeKnprbq
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) August 27, 2023
The fire in the city of Alexandroupolis has burned 180,400 acres, the largest damage ever recorded from a wildfire within the EU.
So 42 people intentionally set wildfires.
Makes you wonder about Canada or Hawaii or all the other places where “climate change” is causing the planet to burn!

Arson doesn’t negate the fact that the frequency of natural wildfires in Greece may also be increasing due to changing environmental factors. But the media isn’t here to discuss the science, just to peddle fear without reporting the facts.
So why is all this arson happening now?
I have a hunch.