
Scar Revision Surgery: What Is It And What Are The Types?



What is scar revision surgery?

As a wound heals, tissue begins to grow over the wound, protecting it and replacing the damaged skin. As this fibrous tissue settles in, you develop a scar. Essentially, scars are nature’s way of reminding you of past injuries.

Some people don’t mind these badges of history, but others are eager to erase the evidence. The goal of a scar revision procedure is to improve or minimize the appearance of the scar. This can help you feel less self-conscious about it.

In other circumstances, a scar revision surgery can restore some function to an area where scar tissue has grown up and inhibited your usual range of motion.

Types of plastic surgery for scars

It’s best to discuss your options with a doctor before deciding. You have many options to choose from when it comes to changing your scar’s appearance.

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