
Golf: Cobra’s New Irons Break The Mold By Using Metal Injection Molding

These King Tour Irons are different

Credit: Cobra


For years, when golfers thought about buying irons, one of the first questions they were asked is if they want a set that’s forged or cast.

These days, though, the question isn’t that simple. With new materials and emerging construction techniques, an iron is as much a technological marvel as a driver. One of those newer techniques is Metal Injection Molding (MIM), which has created a third distinct option for building heads. Metal Injection Molding starts with a mixture of stainless steel metal power that’s then heated up and injected into a mold, where the metal is heated to a temperature even hotter than a forged metal. The grain created at these temperatures is tighter, offering a more precise product with a feel as soft as, if not softer than, forged heads. Better still, MIM heads don’t require as much polishing as forged heads, meaning a more consistent product from head to head and set to set.

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